Help! How Do I Homeschool? Article at SOG

"Last week, our family stocked up on necessary medical supplies for members of our household who are at higher risk for complications from COVID-19. On the same day, one friend scrambled to prepare space in her home to educate her daughters while another one called to ask about my homeschool routine—and if she might borrow curriculum—because all public schools in our county are closed through mid-April. Each of our lives has been disrupted, but I realize that despite our family’s weakness in one arena, I can offer help and support in another. As a homeschool teacher, I can provide resources and encouragement to my friends who have been unexpectedly thrust into doing this for the very first time."

Read what I wrote to fellow homeschool families as well as first-timers in my new article today at Servants of Grace. One question for all of us to ask is, how do we love one another as Christ's body in this unique time?

You can follow Katie Faris on Facebook and Instagram or learn more about her book Loving My Children: Embracing Biblical Motherhood here.