We Can Trust God More and Worry Less

I wish you could see what I saw yesterday as much as I wish I could’ve seen it six years ago.

Sun streamed through our kitchen windows as my teenage son got it. An algebraic equation, complete with variables and exponents, numerators and denominators, like and unlike terms: computed.

In that moment of mathematical comprehension, I saw him as a second grader, sobbing at that same solid pine table. Confused and distracted, he couldn’t keep track of his math facts, and each lesson took longer than planned, cutting into free time and stealing his joy.

Yesterday, I looked him in the eye and told him what I’m telling you. I wish I could’ve taken a picture of the smile on his face, algebra book open in front of him, and shown it to that second grader and his mom.

I wish I could’ve told them it was alright to slow down, complete fewer problems, and trust the learning process. I wish I could’ve told them to relax a little bit. Most of all, I wish I could've told them to trust God more and worry less.

I don’t know what your future holds, and I can’t travel there, take a picture, and bring it back to you. You probably know this already, but let me remind you, for most,

Your newborn isn’t going to wake you up four times a night forever.
Your toddler won’t always wear a Pull-up.
One day your son will fall asleep by himself.
Before you know it, he’ll buckle his own seat belt.
Some morning, she really will dress herself.
They’ll pour their own cereal, and they won’t spill milk (as often).
You won’t have to load the stroller in the trunk anymore.
She will learn to read, and he will progress in math.

I don’t make this next statement lightly because some of my children do have medical concerns that leave many unknowns in their future. But even if your child has a significant health concern and your climb together looks a little different, I hope you hear this encouragement.

Whatever developmental stage your child is in, whatever challenge you face together, however impatient you feel to climb over this wall, the same hope that swelled in my soul yesterday is true for you:

We can trust God more and worry less.

We don’t have to see how the whole puzzle fits together because he holds the pieces. He knows the end from the beginning. He is the Alpha and the Omega. He goes before us, and he goes with us.

Read more of Katie's words at Loving My Children on Facebook and at https://www.instagram.com/katietfarisTo learn more about her book, Loving My Childrenclick hereEmail Katie at lovingmychildrenbook@gmail.com.